Why comparison is not always a good thing and what else you can do to be authentic and original.
Comparison is the thief of joy.
Theodore Roosevelt, or was it Mark Twain?
Whether you are comparing your new car to the new one your neighbor bought or you’re comparing your business products and services to a competitor’s, there is only so far you should go before you say, “ENOUGH!”.
Competitive research is one thing. Comparison for the sake of making yourself feel inadequate or somehow second-rate is the death of your self-esteem and potentially your originality.
There are many ways to stay competitive without losing your identity.
- Examine the competition’s offerings and the audience they serve.
If your competition is offering business coaching, for example, survey the website and social media to see what segment of business they are serving. It is probably different from your segment (say, businesses greater than 25 employees vs businesses who have fewer staff or none at all). An intended target audience puts a completely different spin on your marketing message.
- Examine the competition’s offerings for an area of the industry or area of expertise that is different than yours.
If your competition is a writer helping other writers, what industries do they serve: Hi-tech? Automotive? Small business?
If you are serving a different industry, it’s good to compare services, even pricing, but how many pages they have on their website compared to your own is probably insignificant.
- Examine what mode they deliver their services in, but don’t get caught up in the technology.
Are they delivering virtually? All on Zoom? Or some other more sophisticated platform?
If you are not interested in investing in the shiniest new tech in order to deliver your services, don’t freak out.
There is a good chance your clientele is just getting comfortable with Zoom! Don’t throw another platform at them at this point; that may be all they need to say “no”.
- Examine competitors’ social media feeds and websites, but don’t fret about the number of social media platforms you find them on.
If you aren’t able or willing to be present on every single social media platform in existence, don’t sweat it (and it definitely would be “some sweat” to stay up with it all).
It’s not necessary for you to be everywhere in the social media ecosphere. Pick one platform and run with it. Consistently and with engagement.
Your individuality is one of the most valuable things about you in your business. No one else can imitate you; only you can deliver your product or service in a way that is uniquely you.
Relish that thought. Enjoy being unique and one-of-a-kind.
A unique point of view is what I find valuable and interesting about a client. Each of them delivers their expertise differently and is well-sought-after because of it.
Fly your freak flag proudly, I say!